What Does the Bible Teach About Immigration?
Ever wonder what God thinks about immigration? Author Michael Wittmer shares insights from the Bible.
Was Jesus a Feminist?
Did Jesus believe that women were equal in value to men? In what ways did he honor women? Find out here.
What Happens After Heaven?
It's called our "immediate state" because it is where we temporarily live between this life and the next? But what comes after heaven?
When You Can't Pray
Sometimes we literally cannot pray. Here's what you can do when you are faced with such an occasion.
God Loves Insecure People
Do you struggle with insecurity? Read on to learn now God loves insecure people and uses them to do great things.
Prickly Love
Jesus commanded us to love one another. But what about the unlovable? Here’s a new perspective on loving prickly people.
Angels in Our Campsite
Did you know that the Bible says that God has “encamped” his angels around us? Read on to find peace if you struggle with fear.
Miracles Happen
The power to change reality begins with prayer. If it would take a miracle to bring you peace and joy, that’s okay. They still happen!
The Antidote to Worry
Worry can tangle a heart into fearful, anxious knots, cutting off its life. But the Bible offers an antidote.