Adapted from Daily Devotions to Conquer Anxiety and Depression
So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.””
Matthew 6:31–32 NIV
What is weighing on your heart? It might be the burgeoning credit card bill from when the car’s transmission failed unexpectedly last month. It might be a newly discovered lump—your palms sweaty as you wait for lab results. You might be wondering if your family is going to stay together or worrying about family members who don’t love God. Worry can tangle a heart into fearful, anxious knots, cutting off its life.
Jesus tells us that the Creator who cares for the birds and the wildflowers knows our needs intimately (Matthew 6:26–30). The same God who keeps the earth perfectly tilted and spinning so that the seasons arrive at the right time also cares about medical bills, missing keys, and difficult family relationships.
The antidote to worry is prayer—telling our Father the things we lack, the things that hurt, the things that don’t seem to have an answer—because He listens. He opens His hand to bless and fill us, to calm and heal us, to extend wisdom and peace. He invites us to seek Him wholly and to lean on His sure and faithful promise to provide for all our needs (Matthew 6:33).
Father God, I want to put You first in my heart. Help me to bring all my worries to You and to leave them at Your feet. Thank You for how You love me and promise to provide for me. Amen.