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The Blue Cloak

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Fiction Based on Strange, But True, History
True, riveting stories of American criminal activity are explored through unique stories of historical romantic suspense. Collect them all and be inspired by the hope that always finds its way even in the darkest of times.
Based on real events beginning in 1797 — Rachel Taylor lives a rather mundane existence at the way station her family runs along the Wilderness Road in Tennessee. She attends her friend’s wedding only to watch it dissolve in horror has the groom, Wiley Harpe, and his cousin become murderers on the run, who drag their families along. Declaring a “war on all humanity,” the Harpes won’t be stopped, and Ben Langford is on their trail to see if his own cousin was one of their latest victims. How many will die before peace can return to the frontier?
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Additional Details

Shannon McNear
BISAC Category:
FICTION / Christian/Suspense
Page Count:
Paperback / 5.5 x 8.375
True Colors

1 Review

  • 5
    True events

    Published by Christena Kaufman on May 27, 2020

    The Blue Cloak by Shannon McNear is based on the true story of the Harpe brothers, or cousins; no one is sure, who terrorized the Wilderness Road in the late 1700s. Sally, the daughter of a minister, married Wiley (Little) Harpe believing he was going to be a loving husband and she would have a pleasant life. Her joy was soon dashed when Wiley takes her home to his “family” which consists of Micajah (Big), Susan, Micajah’s wife and a younger woman called Betsey. Susan and Betsey were kidnapped some years earlier. She quickly learns this will not be a traditional marriage as both men share all the women. The family seems to do well at first until it is discovered the animals they are selling have been stolen and then barns begin burning down so the group is on the run. Big and Little commit many more crimes and horrendous murders are among them. They murder innocent people as well as those they feel have crossed them in some way. When Thomas Langford is murdered his cousin, Ben, joins the search party and it becomes his goal to not stop until Big and Little are brought to justice. Will they ever be brought to justice? Wow! This was not an easy read at many times but certainly interesting to learn more about the history and danger of the time. Throughout the story Sally prays and never forgets her faith. Others are praying for safety also as they hear more and more terrorizing stories of the antics of Big and Little. Sally’s father believes a wife must always stay with and support her husband but as more evidence against them comes out his heart softens to being willing to allow her come home if she is ever able. The women are not physically held captive but believe they will be tracked down and punished if they ever try to leave and probably that anyone who would assist them would be brutally murdered.

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