Notes from Barbour’s Layman’s Bible Commentary series. . .
A powerful Bible study experience.
This beautiful study Bible, featuring notes from the Layman’s Bible Commentary series, includes a handsome typesetting of the 2020 update of the NASB.
Always one of the most literal translations available, the New American Standard Bible was recently updated to further improve accuracy, modernize language, and improve readability.
Now, combined with Barbour’s clear and helpful study notes—nearly 6,500 in all—The Light for Life NASB Study Bible is ready to engage, encourage, and edify readers of all ages and backgrounds.
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Additional Details
- Author:
- Christopher D. Hudson
- 9781636098722
- BISAC Category:
- BIBLES / New American Standard Bible/Study
- Page Count:
- 1384
- Binding:
- DiCarta - Flexible / 6.25 x 9.1875
- Bible Type Size:
- 9 pt