I purchased a couple dozen of these, for girls I work with who do not come from strong, Christian families. Unfortunately, I did not feel that I could give them out, unless I ripped out the devotion on p. 178, titled "Bo-ring". This devotion reads, in part:
"God is a person, who desires to be in communication with you. And I'm pretty sure He gets bored when you spend time with Him doing the same 'ol thing (reading your devotions and praying), at the same 'ol time (in the morning or before bed), every time you hang out."
The prayer at the end of the devotion reiterates this concerning message:
"Wow, God, I never realized if I get bored spending time with You that You're probably bored too! ..."
The author's intent in writing that particular devotion was to encourage girls to spend time with God in a variety of ways, including letting their music, writing, or art express their worship. I agree with that suggestion. However, I (as well as a few people that I read the devotion to) felt that the devotion absolutely sent the wrong message when it suggests that God gets bored by a person's practice of regular devotions (and that devotions are boring for people too).
While the majority of the devotions in this devotional may be good, I chose to send these back. Young people are impressionable, and may not have the maturity or discernment to "eat the meat and spit out the bones." I can not in good conscious give teenagers a devotional that sends an explicit message which could inadvertently discourage them from spending regular time with God.
One final note, for those who may still be considering purchasing this: This devotional is definitely intended more for teens than for tweens. It makes mention of some mature topics, including sex, as well as cutting. (For example, on p. 25 it expresses that we honor God by not engaging in destructive habits, like premarital sex, cutting, etc.).